Waiver Form - Calgary

Terms and Conditions

  1. Xperience Games, and their respective directors, officers, participants, agents, owner’s/operator’s of facilities, and representatives (the “Organization”) are not responsible for any injury, or damage of any kind suffered by a Participant during, or as a result of, the participation in any program, activity or event, caused in any manner whatsoever including, but not limited to, the negligence of the Organization.
  2. Participants may be monitored and recorded for safety and operational purposes. These recordings may be shared with future parties as a form of advertisement. We may also use pictures taken at the end of the game, and company logos after corporate bookings.
  3. Charges will be laid for any damages done to the room, props, puzzles, or other items. This includes labour involved in repairing and/or replacement. These charges will be laid against the person who booked the event, and will be up to $500 based on severity of damage.
  4. Description of Risks:
    1. Executing strenuous and demanding physical/mental workouts;
    2. Potential injuries as a result of impacting or falling with the rooms, props, or with other participants;
    3. Discomfort from loud sounds or noises and pictures including those of ghosts and supernatural events;
    4. Children with weak or developing eyes may experience strain and long-term vision issues in rare cases;
    5. Injury due to malfunction of equipment or room;
    6. Negative reactions to VR including but not limited to nausea, dizziness, motion sickness and disorientation.
  5. Furthermore, I am aware:
    1. That I may experience anxiety while challenging myself during the activities, events and programs;
    2. That I may come into close contact with other participants;
    3. That my risk of injury is reduced if I follow all rules established for participation;
    4. I further understand and acknowledge that since virtual reality is a new technology, there may be unknown and non-obvious risks associated with this technology;
    5. I should be in good health prior to participating and free from any adverse medical condition. Pregnant women or those with pre-existing conditions are not permitted to participate.
  6. Release of Liability:
    1. In consideration of the Organization allowing me to participate, I agree:
    2. To assume all risks arising out of, associated with or related to my participation;
    3. To be solely responsible for any injury, loss, or damage that I might sustain while participating; and,
    4. To release the Organization from liability for any and all claims, demands and costs that might arise out of my participating, even though such risks, claims or costs may have been caused by the negligence of the Organization.
    5. To allow the Organization to post pictures taken by the Organization and company logos of companies doing corporate events onto social media, our website, and in physical form to be shown to others.
    6. That I am healthy enough for physical activity and not at risk of epilepsy or other conditions susceptible to VR usage.